Before I Say Good-Bye by Mary Higgins Clark

Before I Say Good-Bye by Mary Higgins Clark

Author:Mary Higgins Clark [Clark, Mary Higgins]
Language: eng
Format: epub, mobi
Published: 2012-02-15T23:04:02+00:00


GEORGE BRENNAN and Jack Sclafani were both present when Robert Walters, senior partner of Walters and Arsdale Design Associates, accompanied by the firm's chief counsel, arrived at the office of Assistant District Attorney Cal Thompson. Thompson was the member of the D.A.'s staff in charge of the city's recently launched investigation into bribery and bid rigging in the construction industry.

All the parties in attendance knew that Walters was there under a "Queen for a Day" agreement, which granted him limited immunity for anything he disclosed in the discussion.

His chief counsel had already issued a pro forma statement to the press: "Walters and Arsdale and its principals deny any wrongdoing and are confident they will not be charged with any criminal activity."

Behind the facade of disdain and casual indifference, it was clear to both Brennan and Sclafani that Robert Walters was nervous and agitated. Everything he did was just a little too precise, too perfect to be anything other than a well-rehearsed act.

I'd be nervous too, Brennan thought. The big guys in almost two dozen firms just like his already had copped a plea, choosing the easy way out of this investigation. He knew that as a result, most of them would end up with a slap on the wrist, getting off by paying fines. Big deal. So you pay a million bucks while your company is raking in half a billion. Sometimes, if the prosecuter really had the goods on them, some of these guys ended up doing community service. In a couple of cases, a few of the big shots actually had gone to jail for a couple of months. But then they come out-and guess what? It starts all over again.

It's a simple racket, he thought. The powerhouse builders agree among themselves who's going to get the job. The lowest bid is still padded, but the architect or planner accepts it-and gets a kickback in return. Then the next big project comes along, and bingo!-it's the turn of the next powerhouse guy to give the low bid. It's all a trade-off. Everything is rigged, and oh so civilized.

Despite the apparent futility of the effort, Brennan believed in pursuing these cases. If we hold the feet of some of these top dogs to the fire, then the smaller companies at least will have a chance to get some of the good jobs, Brennan thought. Sometimes, though, he wondered if perhaps he weren't too much of an optimist.

"This is an industry in which legitimate sales commissions have been misconstrued," Walters was saying.

"What my client meant to say ..." Walters' counsel interrupted.

The questioning finally got around to what George Brennan and Jack Sclafani had come wanting to hear: "Mr. Walters, was the late Adam Cauliff a member of your firm?"

Oh, he doesn't like that name, Sclafani thought as he watched the face of Robert Walters flush with anger at the question.

"Adam Cauliff was in our employ for about two and a half years," Walters responded. Walters' voice remained clipped and cold, as if he were disdainful of the subject.


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